Rebels at Work

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Peter Vander Auwera

I am excited about technology and its impact on society, corporate values, and leading by being.

What has been your most notable rebel accomplishment or experience?

The realization of Alliance Lite, a web solution for SWIFT, where we challenged literately everything: from product experience, on boarding, pricing, ordering, marketing, launching, etc

When did you first realize that you are a rebel?

When studying architecture, and presenting a radical new approach for housing for elder people living in a community.

What advice do you wish someone had given you earlier in your career?

Discover your true self, and invest in personal development.

What is your favorite rebel characteristic?

Relentlessly challenging the status quo.

What’s your favorite question?

“Can you tell me more about this ?” and “What does this enable?”

What one clue tells you you’re effecting positive change?

When you get invited without asking.

What do you think is most important for people to understand about rebels?

They act from deep good intention, and they are dead serious about their ideas. Use their energy like a judo player.

What’s your one word piece of advice for rebels?

Never give up. Never ask permission. Follow your flow. Keep on going beyond the permanent fear of jumping, of sticking out your neck.

What’s your one word piece of advice for non-rebels?

Spend a day with a rebel, and feel the adrenaline.

Where do you think rebels are most needed today?

Change is now an constant. Changes are faster. Changes are exponential. We need rebels to feel the pulse of change, seeding challenging the status quo, create a culture of urgency and action.

Who is your favorite rebel from the past 100 years?

Salvador Dali, Ghandi, Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga

What’s the one thing you should never say to a rebel?

“Why should we do this?”