Jon Feinstein
Focused my career on building an environmental consulting practice and being viewed as a problem solver for complicated projects and policy issues.
What was your most notable rebel experience?
When I attended a private school I led the charge early on to repeal the requirement to wear a blue sport coat , white shirt, and grey flannels as the “uniform.”
When did you first realize that you are a rebel?
Growing up in the 70’s provided a lot of opportunity to be a “rebel” and sometimes not even being noticed. I was involved in several controversial environmental movements which were outside the norm and rocked the boat.
What advice do you wish someone had given you earlier in your career?
We had no clue that technology was going to change our careers and our lives, I wish there was more insight and discussion on implications and what could be. Even know… What is going to be the next technology revolution which will change our lives like the Internet or iPad ?
What are your favorite rebel characteristics?
Not afraid of asking intriguing questions.
What is your favorite question?
Is this how you really feel ???
What tells you that you’re effecting change?
Sometimes it takes much time to see the results, so, it is rewarding to see an impact which you have influenced become a reality — unplanned, unscheduled.
What do you think is most important for people to understand about rebels?
We are not threats. We are not disruptive, just trying to make the world a better place.
What’s your best advice for rebels?
Keep asking questions, and don’t be satisfied with the norm.
What’s your best advice for non-rebels?
Go to Starbucks and meet a rebel.
Where do you think rebels are most needed today?
They are desperately needed in the environmental movement to deal with major climatic, and ecological issues.
Who is your favorite rebels from the past 100 years?
Ian McHarg
What’s the one thing you should never say to a rebel?
What gives you the authority to ask that question?