We are so thrilled to offer a 6.5 hour video learning program, “Be a Brave, Big-Hearted Rebel at Work: Get Unstuck, Find New Perspectives,” for people who want to get better at introducing new ideas and helping their organizations adapt to change.
After our book Rebels at Work came out, people starting sharing stories about where they get stuck, and where they needed more help. It’s no surprise that people especially struggle with conflict, objections, bosses, burnout, and culture.
So we invited some of the smartest, most interesting people we know from around the globe to share advice and practices on topics like:
- Diagnose what's really holding your organization back from acting
- Manage your boss
- Deliver difficult messages
- Know who to trust
- Handle common objections
- Manage your emotions
- Master the meeting
- Find your rebel wild pack supporters
- Frame and position ideas
- Communicate like an activist
- Create an internal word of mouth marketing campaign
- Keep going or quit?
- Recover and learn from setbacks
Like a graduate seminar on organizational change
We love these wise experts, the practicality of their advice, and the joy we had in producing this program. It’s like a graduate seminar on organizational change.
- Peter Vander Auwera, co-founder of Innotribe, SWIFT’s innovation initiative, and founder of Corporate Rebels United.
- Brice Challamel, author, entrepreneur, expert in innovation management
- Jeffrey Davis, author, founder of Tracking Wonder, and expert in how creatives flourish in times of challenge and change
- Maria DeCarvalho, executive coach focused on helping courageous leaders grow their minds, hearts and souls.
- Paul Furey, psychologist specializing in teaching people how to have the real conversations that solve business problems.
- Adam Grant, the top rated teacher at The Wharton School, author, and one of the world’s 25 most influential management thinkers.
- Paula Prober, counselor and teacher, specializing in gifted adults
- Maria Sirois, inspirational speaker, author and psychologist with deep expertise in resilience and positive psychology
- Linda Stroh, author and professor emeritus, Loyola University, Chicago.
- Tenneson Woolf, facilitator, workshop leader, speaker and writer.
- Lois Kelly, Rebel at Work
- Carmen Medina, Rebel at Work
Ideas on how to use the program
Our hope is that this program can help more people learn important skills for leading change, whatever their position. And we think the $129 price is a real bargain compared to what it costs to go to a conference or bring experts of this caliber into your company. Some ideas on how you might get value from it:
- Use it as a professional learning course for your team, watching a segment a week and then discussing over lunch or as part of a staff meeting. (Some segments are just five minutes, others are 30 minutes.)
- Ask your training, organizational development or HR department to buy it and give you access – especially if innovation, change management, agility, employee empowerment or other such buzz words are part of the company’s commitment.
- Share segments on your company’s employee social network or intranet. (O’Reilly Media has many ways to access the program.)
- Buy it for yourself, as part of your commitment to investing in your potential.
- Consider it as an alternative to a book for your company’s business book club. (We’d be happy to do a Google Hangout or webinar to join your discussion.)
- Give it to your boss from the team as a holiday gift.
Thank you for standing up for change and being brave enough to advocate for ideas that can make a positive difference at work. We hope this new material helps.
ps -- You can learn more about the program here, and view three of the 22 segments at no charge. The final Rebel Wisdom: Parting Shots, above, is like a Greatest Hits compilation and will give you a good idea of the variety of topics covered by our contributors.